8th Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes
(8th 'Por Caracoles' International Short Films Festival)
Sevilla, 14th-18th June, 2010
1. Films completed after January 1, 2008 that were not already previously submitted to the selection committee may compete.
2. Genre, plot and shotting format are free (submission of ficition short movies, documentaries or musical comedy… are allow), though the required format for any film submitted to the festival is DVD PAL (please test before sending). Films must not exceed 16 minutes (credits included) in length. Non-Spanish language films must have Spanish subtitles or no dialogue.
3. The deadline for reception of films is 17th of May, 2010 (date of postmark) at the latest. If the films do not arrive in the 15 days following the above deadline, the submission will not be considered complete and the film will not be taken into account for selection.
4. Directors may send only a short film per author. The inscription will be formalized by the film´s postal submission to, or handing the film over at Sala El Cachorro, calle Procurador 19 B, Triana Sevilla (C.P. 41010). If you decide to hand the film over, Sala El Cachorro will only pick the DVD films up from 18:00 to 23:00 hours.
5. You may include in the submission a DVD PAL with the film. You may send also the technical data and a synopsis of the film. A telephone number and an email for contact porposes are also required.
6. The festival´s organisation team will select the short films to be included in the films screening sessions of the festival that will take place from 14th to 18th June,
7. The Best Short Film Award 'Por Caracoles' will have a cash reward that will be the result of the sales of snails tapas made by Sala El Cachorro during the screening sessions (deducting the cost of all raw materials needed to cook the snails tapas).
8. There will be two more awards: The Snail of the Audience Award (El Caracol
9. The festival´s organisation team is commited to inform by phone or email to each of the persons responsable for the films selected to be screened at the festival´s screening sessions. DVDs and other materials will not be returned under any circumstances. Though you can pick up your film in Sala El Cachorro within a 15 days period after the end of the festival. All those films non picked up after this period will become part of the “Camara Lenta Association” files. Camara Lenta will be entitled to screen any film in the screening sessions series that this association carries out all over the year in Sala El Cachorro (all screening sessions are free and open to the general public). Cámara Lenta Association is comitted to inform to it´s author or distributor about the screening of any of this films in the Camara Lenta Screening Sessions Series. Camara Lenta will never use or screen this films for comercial purposes.
10. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance without reservation of all the terms outlined in the present regulations.